Author: Nusach Hari Bnai Zion

Mazel Tov to the Bluestein and Barron Families

Mazel tov to Sam & Shirley Bluestein on the birth of a great grandson! And mazel tov to parents Dr. Bruce and Diane Barron and  to parents Josh & Sunitha Barron (of Austin, TX).  Josh and...

Instructions for Building a Minimal Sukkah

Instructions for Building a Minimal Sukkah A sukkah must have a minimum of 3 walls. Dimensions of Walls Height: Each wall must be a minimum of 10 tefachim (33 inches) high. Width: Each wall must be...


As the month of Elul draws to a close, the mood of repentance becomes more urgent. Prayers for forgiveness called selichos are added to the daily cycle of religious services. Selichos are recited in...

Why Choose St. Louis?

St. Louis boasts a strong Jewish community of approximately 60,000 people, and it offers an active and rich Jewish life in a warm, and child-friendly environment with numerous cultural, recreational, educational and employment opportunities,...

Mazel Tov to Dr. Eliot and Sally Katz

Mazel Tov to Dr. Eliot and Sally Katz on the birth a granddaughter, Rosalee Dawn.  Mazel Tov to parents Rachel and Chad Juehring.  And Mazel Tov to Roselee Dawn’s great uncle, Mark Ragin!

Mazel Tov to Jay and Peggy Umansky

Mazel Tov to Jay and Peggy Umansky on the birth of their newest granddaughter, Emma Rose Linder.   Her parents, brother Jake, Sisters Noa and Maya are all very excited.


Mazal Tov – Engagement

Mazel Tov to Brent Waxman on the marriage of his son Doug to Felise Pomerantz. And Mazel Tov to grandmother Gloria Waxman, and the entire Waxman family.

It's A Boy

Mazal Tov – It’s a Boy!

Mazel Tov to Howard Sandler on the birth of a new grandson! And Mazel Tov to the parents Avi and Sheryl Lopin, of Brooklyn, NY.